
Featured Artist

One World Family Album CoverOne World Family

Songs and Tales of Peace, Justice and Friendship
(Sampler from recording in progress)

Tracks 6, 8, 10, 13 are waiting for a children’s chorus to sing on the songs choruses. Track 6 may also receive some additional instrumentation. The finished recording will probably include 2 CD’s on the One World Family Theme, one for young children (ages 4 – adult), the other for older children (age 9 – adult). It will very likely also provide curriculum suggestions for teachers around the different songs and tales.

“Oh, Had I a Golden Thread” One World Family Jon Sundell
Audio Player

The Eagle and the SparrowThe Eagle and the Sparrow

June Appal Records
Whitesburg, KY, 1975

“Groundhog!” Jon Sundell
Audio Player


Contributing singer & musician in anthology

Fiddle & Bow Sampler, Winston-Salem, NC, Fiddle & Bow Society, 1986

  • Deep, Sunny South

Brown Lung Cotton Mill Blues, June Appal Records, Whitesburg, KY, 1975

  • Weaver Room Blues
  • Let Them Wear Their Watches Fine


Back-up singer & musician

New Wood, by Si Kahn, June Appal Records, Whitesburg, KY, 1975


Back-up singer, songwriter

London Conversation, by John Martyn, Island Records, London, England, 1967